This week we celebrate the work of Liz Danforth, get deck tips from the victor of Vincon, and Chase and Sean take two thematic decks to battle with each other!
Sorcery Community Shoutout!
The Sorcery team extends a well-earned shoutout to Matt S for his Bosk Troll Jack-o'-Lantern! Bravo!
New “Painting the Realm” Spotlight
Sorcery: Contested Realm is honored to partner with traditional artists like Liz Danforth to help bring the Contested Realm to life. Just as each game of Sorcery has a story to tell, so does each piece of art, and each artist. Fresh of IX, Liz speaks about the creation of her work the Seelie Court for the Sorcery's next set, Arthurian Legends. Consider taking a moment to leave a comment for Liz on the video below!
Play like a Champion with Vincon Victor, Jackson
The Champion of Vincon's "King of the Realm" event, Jackson Hawkins, guides us through his victorious deck, showcasing the Avatar of Air. Discover the secrets to playing like a Champion here!
Thematic Decks at Play
Chase and Sean have at it with two themed decks, Sean’s Ghost-Themed deck from last week’s spotlight and a demonic Deathspeaker deck. Will Chase’s fall to darkness grant him the powers to wrest control of the realm? Find out in this lighthearted faceoff!
Share Your Events! The Pacific Northwest Conquests Again!
Another exciting Sorcery: Contested Realm play event recently occurred at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington, organized by community member Alex West. A champion for his local scene, Alex’s playgroup has been thoroughly enjoying Sorcery in a draft format and will be hosting a Beta release party on November 12th at Mox Bellevue.
As a reminder, we encourage you to promote your events in the Official Facebook Group, where fellow community members can stay informed and your event can be featured!
Sorcery: Contested Realm Beta is Almost Here!
November 10th is the launch of Sorcery: Contested Realm's Beta edition and all sorts of folks are working hard to make sure that launch week is an entertaining one! Be sure to tune in next week as we enter the final stretch and share our launch week schedule of content!