Lay out a game mat on your kitchen table and simply let the story unfold. Or, if you want to explore established formats or play competitively, check out the options below.

The Constructed format is a canvas for players to express themselves by crafting unique decks, showcasing their creativity and strategic thinking. Players build decks from their collection and hone themselves in the crucible of battle against equally prepared opponents.

The Draft format is a true test of skill. Build decks on the spot from a rotating selection of booster packs. Pick a card and pass it on. Harness the chaos, explore emergent strategies within the cards your opponents pass you, and draft a unique and exciting deck.

The Sealed format is a means to test your mettle and hone your skills. Build decks on the spot from a predetermined set of booster packs that you open. Explore any emergent strategies that you see as the cards present themselves, and face off against a littany of opponents.