Previously, we discussed how adding Split Power to Sorcery: Contested Realm’s upcoming set, Arthurian Legends, allows us to further develop the flavor and feel of knights of the realm—exploring their potential as minion characters in the game.
This week, Sorcery TCG game designers Sean Goodison and Rafael Novella discuss Multi-Element Threshold, a new design that allows the team to delve into the multifaceted nature of special cards in your Arthurian Legends Spellbook. Multi-element threshold spells provide yet another way for the design team to double down on Sorcery’s storytelling, add complexity to gameplay, and enrich the Sorcery: Contested Realm pack-opening experience.
For those following along with our Sorcery Reveals of the Realm (aka "Sorcery Spoiler Season"), be sure to tune in next week for the reveal of a new keyword coming to the game with Arthurian Legends.