Sorcery TCG Designers React to Your Sorcery Cards

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Chase du Pont

Hey everyone! I’m excited to share a recap of the Facebook Group's Design-a-Card Challenge inspired by none other than Sorcery: Contested Realm creator, Erik Olofsson. If you haven’t seen the video that kicked this all off, Erik’s “RealmEater” custom card deck, you’re in for a treat! This sneak peek into the card design at its earliest stages, was all made possible by Erik bringing his custom cards to bear in a public game of Sorcery—much to the surprise of his opponent!

Inspired by this, we challenged members of the Sorcery Facebook group to design their very own Sorcery cards. And wow, did you all deliver!

We received over 140 incredible submissions, each brimming with creativity and unique ideas.

TCG Designers Weigh In

Our design team, Mike, Sean, and Rafa, had a tough time narrowing down the submissions due to the sheer volume of brilliant ideas.

While it's clear that many of you had a great time coming up with your creations, it's hard to overstate how inspiring, encouraging, and impactful this was for the team - clever, silly, and inspired submissions were constantly being shared across our internal comms as the over 140 card submissions rolled in.

The creativity, ingenuity, and wit on display were truly astounding.

While the team could only choose 12 cards—six spells and six sites—for the contest, each entry showcased the incredible talent and creativity of our community...and just how much folks "get" what we are trying to achieve with Sorcery.

The design team was eager to share their thoughts, and we've broken up their overview of submissions into two parts, focusing on Spells and Sites respectively. We hope you enjoy this window into TCG design and how our team looks at card design for Sorcery: Contested Realm.

Part 1: Spells

Part 2: Sites

A hearty thank you to everyone who participated and made this contest such a huge success. Your passion and creativity are what make our community truly special.

To see the full list of card submissions, visit the Sorcery Facebook group here—be sure to leave a comment of encouragement on your favorite designs!

Until next time, keep those creative juices flowing, and best of luck contesting the Realm!

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