Sorcerers, ready your decks, for Oceania, is about to become a contested realm! On April 6th and 7th, join your fellow Sorcerers at Plenty of Games in Melbourne, Australia, for the Australia and New Zealand Championship 2024. This weekend-long extravaganza invites sorcerers from across Oceania to showcase their skills in multiple formats, all in the pursuit of being crowned a champion of Sorcery: Contested Realm.

A Weekend of Sorcery Mastery
This community-led event offers participants the opportunity to test their prowess in two deep and skill-testing Sorcery formats – Constructed and Draft.
Jesse from The Winning Agenda shares the event's essence: "It's a chance for community members to come together and celebrate the first year of Sorcery gameplay, trade, meet other players, put their decks on show, and celebrate this great game."
The inspiration behind organizing this championship stems from the commitment of Plenty of Games to foster the growth of Sorcery skills since the Alpha launch. Jesse elaborates, "This event is a way for players to level up that experience with some incredible prizes on the line. It's something for players to work towards—a reward for honing their skills and developing their mastery of the Realm!"

A Testament of Skill
Distinguishing itself, this championship introduces a mixed format, challenging players to showcase their mastery in both constructed and draft play. A single-elimination playoff for top finishers adds a thrilling layer to the competition. Jesse explains, "In the playoff, rounds will be best of 3 with sideboarding, allowing players to show off their tactical nous and knowledge of the metagame at a new level."

Stunning Prizes
The organizers hope to send participants home with joy, satisfaction, and excitement for having been part of an extraordinary weekend. The prize pool, as Jesse outlines, extends to top performers, attendees, and random prizes, ensuring everyone has a chance to take home a memento. The grand prize—a stunning original art painting of Arid Desert by Rafaella Cech (Aronja Art)—awaits the Australia and New Zealand Champion.
Jesse shares, "It's an ambitious prize pool, and we hope people find it exciting!"
Find Out More
For those eager to join the mystical gathering, registration and ticket purchases can be done on the Play Sorcery website here.
Additional information and queries can be directed to the Facebook group "Sorcery: Contested Realm Australia and New Zealand" or by reaching out to Jesse on Discord (JesseM) or via email at thewinningagenda@gmail.com.
If you are able to attend, the Australia and New Zealand Championship 2024 promises to be a landmark event in the world of Sorcery: Contested Realm!