Erik’s Curiosa Studio Update

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Erik's Curiosa


I wanted to provide an update on the state of our launch, addressing some of the most frequently asked questions across our social channels. I’ll also outline what’s coming next as we gear up for our release week and beyond. The Erik's Curiosa team is busier than ever—it's our most active period to date!

Wherever we look, we see Sorcery: Contested Realm, thanks to the passionate advocacy of our players and partners. The project has far surpassed its Kickstarter roots, and expectations are high as we prepare for our worldwide release and the upcoming Spiel Essen convention. It’s been a tremendous effort, and we’re excited for players around the world to finally experience Arthurian Legends.

How is Sorcery doing?

Overall, we’ve seen much higher-than-expected global demand for the game than Erik and I anticipated, but we’ve remained cautious with these early steps for a new trading card game. This is a great sign for the future of our business and for fans of Sorcery.

On the fulfillment side, compared to the Alpha and Beta releases, which were delayed by months, we are now down to delays measured in weeks or even days. While this is a significant improvement, we acknowledge that there’s still room for growth, and we’re committed to continually refining our processes and product pipeline is most certainly the largest area of focus for us.

The ongoing support and enthusiasm of our community have allowed us to reinvest in growing our team. We’re actively hiring and working on future sets that we know will continue to delight our current fans and attract new players. Nothing to share on this yet, but The Dragonlord is coming…. then much more beyond that.

Release Performance: Territory Breakdown

Here's a breakdown of how the Arthurian Legends release is progressing across different regions:

USA: Booster boxes will be available for preorder at nearly all stores by launch, although some delays could be expected due to Tropical Storm Helene. Booster boxes will reach our distribution partners by Monday for fulfillment to stores. Unfortunately, store kits and playmats didn’t make it in time, but we’ll expedite them as soon as they arrive. We expect them to be available a couple of weeks after the release. To meet demand, the second wave of product will be offered in October, and we will continue to monitor availability and demand closely.

Canada: Booster boxes, playmats, and store kits will be available at launch.

Europe: Booster boxes will be available for most of Europe and the UK, with additional stock arriving in October. The Nordics (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) will experience a two-week delay due to a shipping delay and we now expect that ship to dock on October 1st, then clear customers etc.

Asia: Booster boxes, playmats, and store kits will be available at launch.

Australia: Despite being very close to an on-time delivery, we decided to delay the release by one week in coordination with All Interactive to ensure fairness for all stores and customers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

New Zealand: Booster boxes are with our distributor. We are currently tracking the separated shipment of playmats and store kits to ensure they’re available for release.

While it’s disappointing not to have everything perfectly aligned for this release, we’ve fulfilled 93% of our global partner commitments by product with wave one and expect to reach close to 100% with wave two.

Social Play Kits

Social play kits are in high demand, and we’re using a three-pronged approach to distribute them to stores. Erik decided that these kits should be free to help stores generate events and make them more accessible to fans. Here’s how stores can get a kit:

  1. Play Network Stores: If you responded to the Innkeeper survey, we have asked that you will receive a kit from your allocation partner as stock allows.
  2. Distribution Partners: Our partners also have discretionary kits to provide to stores interested in hosting regular Sorcery events.
  3. Direct from Erik's Curiosa: Starting in November, we’ll offer store kits directly to qualified stores, allowing them to continue hosting events and building their communities.

Additionally, we’ll keep the Dust Store updated with new rewards for players. Don’t forget to scan your Dust Codes when you receive your Arthurian Legends booster boxes!

Draft Kits

Draft kits are available in two ways. Your local store has them as part of the Arthurian Legends Social Play Store Kit, and also direct from our website.

We wanted this product to be widely available, making sure it was priced very competitively and opening up direct orders via our website to allow us to send them out to you wherever you are in the world.

Having a dedicated product means players can instantly acquire all the components needed to complement a draft or sealed experience, without the need to open booster boxes. The cards also introduce a downshift in basic site power and we introduce the Spellslinger to tune this game mode to present players with more options and a lot less redundancy when making deck-building choices, ultimately resulting in a much more rewarding experience.

Closing Thoughts

Before I sign off, I want to thank our community once again for your incredible support. We are deeply engaged with our fans and players, and we value your posts, comments, content, and even your critiques. We didn’t expect embarking on a project in the world of TCG’s would be easy, and it certainly hasn’t been, but rest assured, we are more than ready to accept the challenge.

We understand there is a wide spectrum of opinions about what a trading card game should be from the complementary viewpoints we see represented. However, we remain focused on Erik’s vision, the fundamental driving force that brought each of us to this point today. With the world-class Erik's Curiosa team we have assembled, we believe we’ve created a truly special collectible game worthy of your attention.

The depth of emotion and passion from our community validates that we are on the right path, building something meaningful for so many, and making sure that Sorcery: Contested Realm continues to be the game that rewards your commitment, and combines the best in traditional illustration by our truly legendary artists with the rich and compelling narrative gameplay as you cast down your opponent’s avatar and compete to contested the realm.

Sorcerers, we now call upon you to take your seat at the Round Table!

Simon Swan
Director of Operations
Erik's Curiosa

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