The boats are getting closer to their ports and so now is a good time to explain the last steps of fulfilment to all of our backers. The shipping step takes a while obviously, so once boats dock, we will see more frequent updates. The steps we navigate now are as follows:
- Port arrival - see estimates below
- Transshipment - unloading of product from boats
- Customs clearance - paperwork has been completed in advance
- Arrival at distribution - ShipQuest regional centers
- Pledge packing - Packing backer rewards according to your pledge level and addons
- Final delivery - tracking number issued when parcel scanned at depot
The products which are currently on the boats are booster boxes and preconstructed decks. All other items ready at their distribution center, which will help us pick up the pace in the late stages.
- US - Expected in port May 15
- Canada - Expected in port May 15
- UK & Europe - Expected in port May 5
- Australia - Expected in port May 10
- Asian Hub - Arrived
The transshipment and customs processes are challenging to estimate at this stage and are subject to overall port cargo volume and available loading/unloading resources.
Our next challenge is that we have to line things up with logistics/shipping and execute on getting our backers their pledges. Bear with us as we navigate this part of the process, we’ll be seeing more frequent updates as now we have shorter steps before you will have products in hand. You have all been so patient, we are getting closer every day now!
If you have ANY address issues with your pledge, please contact us at community@sorcerytcg.com IMMEDIATELY. We have passed the deadline for changes, but we do want to work with backers to see what we can do.
Authentication & Dust System
The dust system was devised to allow us to introduce security measures to allow backers to authenticate their boxes with a unique serial number.

On the bottom of every booster box, under the shrink wrap, is a scratch code that when entered on our website, will confirm your booster boxes authenticity and award you a small amount of ‘Dust’ - a substance that lets you unlock digital customization perks on curiosa.io, tickets to giveaways, promo cards, merchandise, and more.
Some rewards will be awarded as you hit milestones, while others will require you to save up and spend your Dust. We are still fully fleshing out the system, and we encourage backers to register each box they open, as when implemented, rewards will be retroactive.
Welcome Chase!
We are thrilled to welcome Chase to our team as our new dedicated community manager! Some of you Sorcery veterans may already be familiar with him from his fantastic work on the Sorcery Contested Realm Kickstarter Trailer and Chase has had a wealth of experience. Please join us in welcoming Chase to the team!