Michal Nagypál

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Michal Nagypál

Michal Nagypál specializes in oil painting but also works with watercolor and sculpture. His art ranges from portraits and landscapes to still-life compositions inspired by old masters, as well as explorations of mystical and contemporary themes.

Fascinated by the elusive nature of reality, Michal's work often conveys symbolic and thought-provoking meanings, inviting viewers to contemplate deeper aspects of human experience. His versatility across mediums allows him to express his artistic vision with richness and depth, captivating audiences through nuanced explorations of symbolism and perception.

Preferred Medium

Oil on canvas is my primary medium of choice. I also dabble in sculpture, where the medium can vary, though currently, I don't have the time for sculpture projects.

Notable Achievements

I've been honored to participate in several landscape exhibitions. My work was featured in exhibitions such as "Výlet" at Prague's BOLD Gallery (2021), "Dialogues" at Kooperativa in Prague (2020), and "Dawn - contemporary landscape painting" at the Gallery of the East Bohemian Region in Pardubice (2018). I've also had separate exhibitions including "Crossroads of Eroticism and Spirituality" with Kateřina Komm at the Komedie Theater in Prague (2022), "Crossroads" at the Košice Vojtech Löffler Museum (2021), and "Calamity" at Prague's New Gallery (2020). Next year, I'm excited to announce my largest solo exhibition at the East Slovak Gallery in Košice (2025).

Favorite Sorcery Works:

Plague of Frogs: I spent the most time on this card compared to all others. I particularly admire the colors I used; generally, fauna-inspired colors fascinate me. They resemble vivid abstractions. I aimed to incorporate the entire spectrum of colors available to me at home, playing with poses to inject humor into the painting. I also wanted to convey action within the picture. The creation process was playful, except for the final small purple frog's head on the far left, for which I searched for several days to find the right color to complete the work.

Find more of Michal's work @ https://michalnagypal.sk/