Elvira Shakirova

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Elvira Shakirova

Elvira stumbled into art by accident, pushed to study book illustration at the Moscow State University of the Printing Arts by her ex-boyfriend's mom. Followed by eight years in theatre, and looking for change, Elvira started doing TCG card alters.

She's been working on Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG since 2019. In 2023 she moved to London, UK, and plans to have a vacation this decade.

Preferred Medium

I drift between oils and acrylics with colored pencils. It's ideal for me because, as soon as I grow tired of acrylics drying on the brush before I can get it to the paper, I switch to oils and enjoy the honeymoon phase of amazing blending and buttery brushstrokes. Then, I find myself screaming, "OMG, why are you not dry yet? It's been two weeks!" at cadmium yellow, and I know it's time to go back to acrylics.

Favorite Piece in Sorcery

I'm very rarely happy with my results, but I do love Dream-Quest, I like drawing a lot of little details and making the scene very lived-in. I think I achieved it in this piece, also I enjoy witchy stuff. My two other favorite pieces have not been shared yet, but I was very excited while painting them and am thrilled with the results. I can't wait to show them to you!

Find more of Elvira's work @ https://www.patreon.com/elvirashakirova