Andrea Modesti
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Andrea Modesti was born in Pavia, a small university town near Milan, Italy. He pursued his early education at the local art school in Pavia before completing his studies in traditional painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. The historical richness and atmosphere of his hometown, combined with what he describes as an "innate predilection," fostered his deep love for history, particularly medieval history.
After finishing his academic studies, Andrea discovered his true passion: illustration. He began to delve deeper into the historical and naturalistic subjects that fascinated him, studying illustration techniques while drawing inspiration from the masters he admired and continues to hold in high esteem. He approaches each day as an opportunity to improve his craft.
Andrea's work has been featured in books and magazines, where he alternates between historical subjects, naturalistic themes, and landscapes. His career took an exciting turn when he was given the opportunity to create illustrations for Sorcery: Contested Realm—a project he describes as a wonderful experience.
Preferred Medium

My favorite art medium now is a technique called gouache. Initially, at the Academy, it was watercolor: I was a "pure watercolorist" (using very diluted colors, with no use of white—the white should only come from the paper showing through, and so on). Over time, I moved more toward a "mixed technique." I still do the backgrounds, particularly the skies and bases, with watercolor using the "wet on wet" technique. Then, little by little, I bring out the details with gouache paint. I believe this approach allows me to create illustrations that better match my "ideal mental model" and include more details, making them more vivid.
I use high-quality, 100% cotton watercolor paper, which is essential for this technique due to the large amount of water used.
If I had to choose a painting that represents this process well, I think I would choose "Scent Hounds." The background, with the trees fading into the fog, is done in pure "wet on wet" watercolor. The details of the moorland and the dogs are then brought out with denser and more opaque gouache colors.
Favorite Pieces in Sorcery
I believe "Bannerman," "Belmotte Longbowmen," and "Candlemas Monks" (as well as "Albespine Pikemen") are among my favorite works. The painting of the Knight embodies everything I love: the Middle Ages, specifically the 14th and 15th centuries, with their flamboyant costumes, castles, and armor. The same goes for the Longbowmen, set during the Burgundian Wars. I especially love this piece because Erik gave me valuable advice during its creation, and the final result was so successful thanks to his help. I like Pikeman for the subject and the opportunity to depict Landsknechts and Swiss mercenaries in battle formation, showcasing their eccentric and fantastic clothing.
Candlemas Monks has an atmosphere clearly inspired by Caspar David Friedrich and the German Romanticism of Dresden, the topic of my degree thesis!

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